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Department of New Media and Journalism

Our Mission

The Department of New Media and Journalism at Eastern Mediterranean University was established in 1997 as Journalism and the program is renewed in 2017 in parallel with the rapid changes in the communication technologies that requires 360 degree education which means that the students of journalism has to know print journalism, video journalism, digital media, data journalism, public relations and video editing at the same time. The renewed program will help the students to reflect the social, political and economic problems that are prepared from a critical perspective through new media technologies. The digital media environment will help a rapid public awareness in public issues. The mission of the department is to train its students to be able to approach questions about the world from a variety of perspectives including sociologically, culturally, economically and politically and to have the ability to engage effectively with communication technologies and social media tools, to develop as reflexive readers and writers and to work toward their goals while engaged with and expressing an professional and journalistic ethic.



Vice Chair(s):

Departmental Facilities

EMU New Media and Journalism has full time staff roster consisting of 3 associate professors, 2 assistant professors and 5 part time instructors. The Department believes that in New Media and Journalism education, theoretical and practical parts must be balanced. With this aim in mind, the department has Gündem newspaper (print and online) and Gündem Office; computer lab classroom; Photo studio. The Department principally uses all the facilities available at the faculty.

Distinguishing Attributes

The department has proven its competence in journalism education with the graduates working in local and international media environment in all levels. Our students get the chance of improving their written and oral communication and individual research skills during their new media and journalism degree education. In addition to this, in many courses, much of the weight is given to practical application of knowledge and skills such as photographing, photo journalism, online journalism, page design, video journalism, and interviewing technics. The department believes that, the balance between foundational courses and area course as well as theory and practice courses, our graduates after their graduation will be ready for the job market.

Our Achivements

The New Media and journalism Department with its educational responsibilities, is contributing to the media appearance the TRNC with different media monitoring research projects and by constructing different media contents. The faculty of Communication and Media studies, particularly the Department of New Media and Journalism is the bridge between the local media and university. The Department also took part in a number of competitions and was awarded by “Aydın Doğan Foundation Young Communication Experts” on the category of “page design” (2014); interviewing (2004); investigative news making (2003). Our students have very productive environment at EMU such as student newspaper Gündem, EMU Radio and TV station.

The department has graduated more than 256 students. These graduates are currently working in local and international media organizations.

Quality of Graduates

Our department aims an education at global standards with three emphases. Foundational courses, critical outlook and, courses that prepare to the journalistic profession especially in new media environment. The senior year’s area-electives aim to meet the current needs of the media market and industry. Some of our graduates are currently enrolled in graduate programs in the MA Program of the Communication and Media Studies at the faculty. Some of our graduates are in the academia. Being a multidisciplinary in nature, the New Media and Journalism program is designed to prepare students for the increasingly complex field of Communication in the 21st Century. With the practical courses, students to become proficient in all aspects of newspaper publishing, including writing news stories, shooting and editing photos for a variety of media, designing layout of a newspaper on computer, and overseeing the entire publication process.

Career Opportunities

The graduates of the program will be able to work in varieties of positions in the media sector such as online media environments, newspapers, radio and TV stations, public relations and advertisement departments and particularly social media management in all media and business sector. The graduates can find jobs as news correspondents, sport journalist, photo-journalist, page editor, photo editor, editor in chief, news editor, new coordinator, internet editor, online news editor. Our graduate can also continue their education to lead an academic career.


The department currently has two bachelors (BA) level program of New Media and Journalism one in English and the other in Turkish. The BA students take introductory COMM and ILET coded foundation courses as well as NMEJ and YMGA coded courses in their freshman year. In coming years, they take critical media readership courses and the courses of journalism practices in the new media environment including internship. Our students have to prepare a newspaper and defend in front of a jury composed by the local media professionals.

New Media and Communication (Turkish)Bachelor / B.A.4 New Media and Journalism
New Media and CommunicationBachelor / B.A.4 New Media and Journalism


Department of New Media and Journalism
Department of New Media and Journalism, Mimar Sinan Street
Eastern Mediterranean University
Famagusta, North Cyprus
Mersin 10 Turkey

Tel: +90 392 630 2006
Fax: +90 392 630 2317