The curriculum of the Mapping and Cadastral Survey Associate Program puts special focus on application and field practice. Students will graduate with advanced CAD skills by training on the most current CAD software. Hence, 40% of the course content is based on theory while 50% is application which provides the students with sectoral experience sharpening students knowledge in the field of mapping. Students learn the technical and managerial skills necessary for advancement in the industry.
General Information
The curriculum of the Mapping and Cadastral Survey Associate Program puts special focus on application and field practice. Hence, 40% of the course content is based on theory while 60% is application which provides the students with sectoral experience.
Graduates of the Mapping and Cadastral Survey assocation program possess the following skills and qualities:
- Land measuring;
- Transferring land measures into maps;
- Team work skills;
- Mapping;
- Setting up and using the latest measurement tools;
- Real estate and construction knowledge;
- Trained on road projects
- Being aware of the sectoral needs and providing solutions, accordingly
The program offers up-to-date laboratories equipped with the latest technological features for its students:
- Computer Laboratory: Basic computer courses and computer application courses laboratories offer a fully-equipped computer for each student.
- Auto-CAD Laboratory: Students can draw bi-dimensional and three dimensional maps through the Auto-CAD/Geo-Cad software program.
- Drawing Laboratory: Students gain experience on the classical drawing methods in this lab.
- Topography Laboratory: Basic measuring tools; meter, range pole, range pole tripod, plumb, prism, planimeter, laser meter etc…
- Leveling Tools: Levels, rods, etc…
- Theodolites ;
- Tachymeters;
- DTM 801 Land Station;
- South N4 Total Staion;
- GIS Laboratory
Career Opportunities
Graduates of the Mapping and Cadastral Survey associate program are in high demand in the sector. They may pursue employment opportunities as goverment technical staff and private sector.
Tel: +90 392 630 1245
Fax: +90 392 365 1574
E-mail: btyo.bilgi@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://sct.emu.edu.tr