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EMU – University of Bologna Collaboration Protocol Renewed

Since 2014, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), a higher education institution renowned for its quality and international standards, has been collaborating with the University of Bologna's Faculty of Law. In line with its commitment to enhancing educational quality and fostering international partnerships, EMU has renewed its collaboration protocol with the University of Bologna for an additional five years, with an expanded scope. During the recent signing ceremony, EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç and Prof. Dr. Luca Mezzetti, one of the Directors of the University of Bologna’s Faculty of Law, signed the protocol, while Prof. Dr. Federico Casolari, also a Director at the University of Bologna’s Faculty of Law, signed the document in Italy.

Present during the said ceremony were EMU Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Osman M. Karatepe, Vice Rector for Promotion and Institutional Communication Prof. Dr. Ali Öztüren, Institutional Development and International Academic Affairs Office Coordinator Assist. Prof. Dr. Cahit Ezel and the Vice Dean of EMU Faculty of Law Assoc. Prof. Dr. Demet Çelik Ulusoy. 

In his speech, Prof. Dr. Mezzetti underscored that the purpose of the meeting was to sustain the ongoing collaboration with EMU, which has thrived for nearly ten years. Highlighting the enduring collaboration on the joint Master’s program in Comparative Legal Systems, Prof. Dr. Mezzetti also noted that new collaborative projects involving various faculties will be initiated alongside this program. Additionally, Prof. Dr. Mezzetti shared that he has attended EMU’s graduation ceremonies, where he awarded joint diplomas—signed by both university rectors and endorsed by the relevant departments—to graduates of the Master’s program.

Noting that the meeting was convened to explore another aspect of EMU’s internationalization policy, Prof. Dr. Kılıç highlighted that EMU and the University of Bologna have been running a joint program in Law for the past 10 years and emphasized that the new collaboration protocol being signed today will enhance this partnership, leading to new joint programs across different faculties. Prof. Dr. Kılıç stated that EMU will continue its internationalization efforts through its established collaborations and conveyed that the newly signed protocol with the University of Bologna will add a new dimension to the existing joint programs.

Vice Dean of EMU Faculty of Law Assoc. Prof. Dr. Demete Çelik Ulusoy expressed her contentment with the renewal of their collaboration with the University of Bologna’s Faculty of Law, which has been active since 2015. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çelik Ulusoy noted that their collaboration encompasses student, researcher, and faculty member exchange programs. Since 2015, EMU has sent many undergraduate and graduate students to the University of Bologna, the oldest university in the world, as part of this exchange. Additionally, as the coordinator of the joint Master’s and exchange programs, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çelik Ulusoy is delighted to welcome expert faculty members from Bologna who teach at EMU each semester, extending her best wishes for the continued success of their collaboration with the University of Bologna.