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EMU Organises Activities for The Children with Leukemia Week

EMU Organises Activities for The Children with Leukemia Week

Another meaningful activity was held by the Eastern Mediterranean University Community Involvement Center within the scope of civic involvement projects.  Operating under EMU Communication and Media Studies Faculty, Public Relations and Advertising Department and under the coordinatorship of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anıl Kemal Kaya, Genesis IMC Agency organised a civic involvement project in collaboration with Lösev Club.

EMU Organıses Actıvıtıes For The Chıldren Wıth Leukemıa Week

EMU Organıses Actıvıtıes For The Chıldren Wıth Leukemıa Week

Within the scope of 2 - 8 November Children With Leukemia Week, a charity event was held at EMU Atatürk Square between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Monday, 6 November 2017. As part of the event, food items prepared by volunteering students of EMU Communication Faculty Genesis IMC Agency were put on sale and the funds raised were donated to Kemal Saraçoğlu Children with Leukemia and Fight Against Cancer Foundation. During the charity event which attracted great interest from the students and the staff of EMU, Mehmet Külçer, Mülayim Çınarlılı and İbrahim Güç brought color to the organisation with their musical performance.

EMU Organıses Actıvıtıes For The Chıldren Wıth Leukemıa Week

Additionally, within the framework of the civic involvement project, those citizens of the TRNC wishing to become bone marrow donors had their names registered.

According to Kemal Saraçoğlu Children with Leukemia and Fight Against Cancer Foundation, bone marrow donors should be TRNC ID holders, between the ages of 18 and 45 and should not have any serious illnesses.  It was also stated that as a member of Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide, the Cyprus Bone Marrow Archive can donate bone marrow to patients worldwide as well as receive worldwide bone marrow donations for Cypriot patients. In this respect, representatives of Kemal Saraçoğlu Children with Leukemia and Fight Against Cancer Foundation invites all citizens of  the TRNC to become bone marrow donors.