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Record Breaking Blood Donation from EMU to Nicosia State Hospital

Record Breaking Blood Donation from EMU to Nicosia State Hospital

With over 20 thousand students, the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) plays an important role in blood donation campaigns at the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Recently a blood donation campaign in benefit of the Nicosia Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital Blood Bank took place.  The donation was organized by the EMU Health Sciences Faculty and North Cyprus Red Crescent.

Interest toward the blood donation that took place at the EMU Atatürk Square on Tuesday, the 24th of October 2017 between 10.30 – 16:00 was at record levels. At the end of the event 83 units of blood were donated to the Nicosia Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital Blood Bank. Therefore, EMU broke the record for highest amount of blood obtained at blood donation events throughout the country. EMU, the institution that raised awareness about Thalassemia, a common disease in TRNC, will continue to carry out blood donation events as part of its social responsibility understanding.