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Accredited Programs

Faculty of Architecture

AQAS: Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs
Accredited Programs: Interior Architecture (B.Int.Arch.) Interior Architecture (Turkish) (B.Int.Arch.)

MİAK: Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu
Accredited Programs: Architecture (B.Arch.)

NAAB: National Architectural Accrediting Board
Accredited Programs: Architecture (B.Arch.)

Faculty of Arts & Sciences

ASIIN: Accreditation Agency for Degree Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Accreditation Agency for Degree Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Accredited Programs: Molecular Biology and Genetics (B.S.) Medical Biotechnology (without Thesis) (M.S.)

TPD: Türk Psikologlar Derneği
Accredited Programs: Psychology (B.S.) Psychology (Turkish) (B.S.)

Faculty of Business & Economics

Faculty of Education

AQAS: Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs
Accredited Programs: English Language Teaching (B.A.) Pre-School Teacher Education (Turkish) (B.A.)

EPDAD: Öğretmenlik Eğitim Programları Değerlendirme ve Akreditasyon Derneği
Accredited Programs: Guidance and Psychological Counseling (Turkish) (B.S.) Music Teaching (Turkish) (B.A.) Special Education Teaching (Turkish) (B.A.)

Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Health Sciences

SABAK: Sağlık Bilimleri Eğitim Programları Değerlendirme ve Akreditasyon Derneği
Accredited Programs: Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (Turkish) (B.S.) Nutrition & Dietetics (Turkish) (B.S.)

Faculty of Pharmacy

PCN: Pharmacists Council of Nigeria
Accredited Programs: Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)

Faculty of Tourism

FIBAA: Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation
Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation
Accredited Programs: Tourism Management  (with Thesis) (M.S.) Tourism Management (B.S.)

TedQual: Teaching Education Quality in Tourism
Accredited Programs: Tourism Management (B.S.)

School of Computing and Technology

FIBAA: Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation
Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation
Accredited Programs: Accounting and Taxation Applications (Turkish) (A.C.A.A.) Accounting and Taxation Applications (Turkish) (H.D.C.A.A.) Medical Documentation and Office Management (Turkish) (H.D.M.D.O.M.)

EQANIE: Euro-Inf Bachelor awarded by EQANIE
Euro-Inf Bachelor Quality Label (Awarded by EQANIE-European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education e.V.)
Accredited Programs: Information Technology (B.S.) Information Technology (Turkish) (B.S.)

EQANIE: Euro-Inf Master awarded by EQANIE
Euro-Inf Master Quality Label (Awarded by EQANIE-European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education e.V.)
Accredited Programs: Information Technology (without Thesis) (M.Tech.)

School of Tourism and Hospitality Management

TedQual: Teaching Education Quality in Tourism
Accredited Programs: Tourism And Hospitality Management (A.A.S.)